Guide for authors to publish an article in the Women’s Studies Quarterly :
Dear authors, before submitting your article to the Biquarterly Women’s Studies Quarterly, make sure that the following conditions are met for your article. These conditions are naseberry for the article to be included in the evaluation process.
A: In terms of content
1- The article is related to the title and the scope and aims of the journal.
2- The article is the original result of studies, experiences and researches of the author(s).
3- The article must not be sent to any other Iranian or foreign journals at the same time. Also, it must not be published or be in the evaluation process of any other journal. It is necessary to refrain from sending the article to other journals while it is in the evaluation process of this journal. Violation of any of these conditions will result in rejection of the article and the subsequent articles from these authors and even legal action.
B: The process of accepting an article for publication in the magazine:
The received articles are first evaluated by the editor in chief and if the result of the evaluation is positive, they are placed on the agenda of the editorial board to determine the reviewers. This board can re-evaluate the article itself and if it is recognized as a valuable article, it will select two reviewers for the detailed evaluation of the article. In case of conflicting opinions of referees, the article will be evaluated by a third referee. The final acceptance of the article depends on the definitive approval of the editorial board.
C: How to send an article
Please upload your articles only in the journal system. For this, it is necessary to first register in the journal system and then upload your article according to the guide on the site. Any article sent to the journal by other methods will not be considered.
D: In terms of writing style (please click on the link below)
E: While uploading the article, the following commitment letter should be completed and signed by all authors including the responsible author and co-authors and uploaded to the system.
Commitment letter and ethical principles of research