Women, Motherhood and Breastfeeding

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Despite the decrease in rates of contagious diseases in today’s world compared to the past, the rates of non-contagious diseases and different types of cancer is constantly increasing. Various research show that breastfeeding is an important factor in preventing many diseases. Thus, promoting feeding infants with breast milk can immune mothers and children against many chronic diseases. Exclusive breastfeeding has not satisfactorily reached its goals in the country in recent years. Since breastfeeding is closely connected to social and cultural constructs, identifying factors influencing it will involve studying social backgrounds underlying it. In other words, identifying sociocultural models which influence breastfeeding infants will provide an efficient means to promote breastfeeding. The present study employed a qualitative design and a demographic method. The 37 subjects were chosen through purposive sampling and had semi-structured in-depth interviews. The findings were marked into 365 open codes, 68 axial codes and 10 selective codes, and included the following: personal factors impacting breastfeeding, cultural factors impacting breastfeeding and socioeconomic factors impacting breastfeeding. The findings revealed that the most important factors impacting breastfeeding in mothers included psychological factors of motherhood, the mother’s awareness and preparedness, the mother’s beliefs, and social support. The findings also suggested that although bio-physical factors impacted breastfeeding, they were themselves influenced by maternal emotions, the mother’s calmness and confidence, and her beliefs. The mother’s beliefs is in turn under the influence of the network of social relationships, including the person’s family, and the family has still retained its determining role in individual beliefs and behaviors. Breastfeeding is thus viewed as a social value. Moreover, social support of others, including one’s mother, husband, doctor and medical staff, greatly influence the process of breastfeeding infants. In the case of working mothers, support from others and awareness of rules of breastfeeding are also important in addition to the factors mentioned.


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