Social Criticism of Society in Iraq and Iran's Contemporary Poetry

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Literature, as one of the various types of art, from a long time ago has played its role in different forms in human life and in this respect, like all human intellectual and spiritual activities, has a social purpose. Thus, contrary to some people’s opinion, literature is not separated from social context but it is always originated from social living and is certainly considered one of the essential factors for the development of human social life. This is why the literature of every nation always transforms parallel to society changes and according to this approach it will become a mirror reflecting everything of its own society. Certainly contemporary literature and especially Arabic and Persian present day poetry is not only associated to this approach but also the chaotic situations and different social, political and economic crises resulted from the two world wars as well as some civic problems, underlie the emergence of  society’s representation in literature. Among these poets are Forough Farrokhzad and Nazik Al-Malaika. The depiction of society by picturing social problems, poverty, corruption, class conflict and the woman’s issue and her social crisis are among common characteristics of two poets’ diwans.


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