A Comparative Analysis of the Image of Women in Persian Literature and Iranian Paintings

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The estheticism of the image of women in Iranian painting has originated from the status of women from the viewpoints of Islam and Muslim men of literature and mystics, who have been the source of inspiration to Iranian painters. The image of women in paintings indicate the attention of the painter to the truth of her spiritual beauty and is based on literary and mystical descriptions of her. This beautiful image, in addition to its superficial dimension, is an irony of the mystical meaning of these descriptions; the image of beautiful eyes illustrate the supervising position of justice, and that of the beautiful lip illustrates the position of the stories of the heart and the expression of the inner secrets, which resort to dialogue and smile.
This article investigates Iranian poems and examples of Iranian original painting work pieces, and sets the ground for the study of ways to coordinate esthetic standards of painters with literary ad mystical definitions of the identity of women. It also shows how painters have tried to illustrate desirable features in women on the basis of Islamic school of thought present in Iran's literature


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