A Comparative Analysis of Mothering (In Psychology and the Literature of Religion)

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1 MA of women’s studies at Tarbiat Modares University

2 Assistant professor at Sanandaj Azad University

3 Associate professor at Alzahra University


Mothering role is a valuable expression of women in the world. Mothering and femininity are two concepts; there is a complex relationship between them. Although mothering is a social estate with high value and mainly women are expected to accept this role, the real function of it still has remained invisible. Meanwhile, religions and psychology are the fields that have described mothering and its position in two distinct paradigms. Religion as an institution, that a person build his or her belief on it, has a determining role in turning point of women as mother and offers an approach with respect. Also psychology as an applied science that studies behaviors and mind processes has a challenging and object-oriented approach to the presence of mother in individual life, so can be both effective and destructive. This paper has tried to study mothering in a comparative way in psychology and religion to understand different and similar points.
