Studying the Conditions of Women Prisoners and Their Rehabilitation Methods:A Case Study ofArak Prisoners, 1394

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The role and function of women prisons indicate that despite the fact that a legal supervisory system for enforcing criminal laws and punishments and maintaining social order is required, rehabilitation is also of great importance.  The present case study examines Arak women prison. The population consisted of all 44 women prisoners. The study was conducted through survey research (questionnaire) in spring 1394/2015. Based on the hypotheses, it seems that the prisoners’ satisfaction with prison environment was at average level. Emotional problems before entering the prison were influential in committing crimes by the prisoners. There was a relationship between mental health of those in charge of prison and the prisoners’ satisfaction, and rehabilitation methods were also effective in assistingthe prisoners to return to society. The research data was analyzed by SPSS Software and the results confirmed the hypotheses
