The Maternal Presence of Women in Power and Politics

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In the modern world, power and politics are defined with violence and conflict. The author of this paper suggests that, along with men, women, with their maternal presence, should participate in large-scale decision-making and national and global policies to rule peace and kindly on national and global societies; increasing interactions between power and politics replaces the current destructive confrontation; in other words, maternity extends from the private sphere to the public domain. In this paper, the epistemological theories of feminist philosophers have been presented in criticizing the lack of women in power and modern politics, along with Islamic epistemological teachings, to show that in both Western and Islamic culture, equal representation of women alongside men brings about safe and peace space for human societies.


ـ قرآن کریم
-        بهشتی، احمد، زنان قهرمان،انتشارات آیین جعفری،1368
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ـ محلاتی، شیخ‌ذبیح‌الله، ریاحین الشریعه، دارلکتب اسلامیه، تهران، 1368؛


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