Femininity in Arabic poetry, an emerging trend with a poor background (Based on the critical views of Abdellah Algadami)

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Abdellah Algadami, a contemporary Arab critic has explored the feminine characteristics in Arabic poetry. In his book The feminization of the poem and different drive (2005), he believes that masculinity has been dominant in past Arab culture. Due to the dominance of this male-dominated infrastructure in public culture, Arabic poetry, from the beginning to the contemporary era, almost was empty of feminine language features. The emergence of Nazik Al-Malaika, Iraqi poet, in contemporary Arab poetry and the invention of her new poetry style changed the Arabic poetry structure slowly. Over time, her new poem style encouraged other modern poets. Challenging the male-dominated infrastructures of ancient Arabic poetry, this innovative process led to the growth and prosperity of female language oriented poems enjoyed linguistic elegances. This paper through a descriptive and analytical approach examines the leading critical views of Abdellah Algadami in the Arab world. Algadami believed that the only way for women to return to their rightful status both in literacy and in society, is their awareness of the language and writing reflecting feminine characteristics. This new and innovative language introduced the features of feminine language against male-oriented language.


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