Content Analysis of Women’s Social Citizenship Rights in the Five – year Social – Economic – Cultural Development Programs of I.R.I.

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1 Ph.D candidate of Women`s Studies Tarbiat Modares University

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Nowadays, New approach to Sustainable Development Paradigm, as a systematic and comprehensive approach, attempts to institutionalize the comprehensive human rights putting priority women. The Citizen in the legal resources includes all individuals who are entitled to inhabitancy and citizenship of a given country and consequently, are entitled to some privileges and benefits which are recognized in state constitutional law and other rules. Regarding this, the main question of the present research is that how much Islamic Republic of Iran has considered women’s social citizenship rights in its programs. To answer this, the present article, using descriptive method and content analysis in a systematic and inclusive view has explored this rights in the I.R.I. sextupledevelopment programs. The findings indicate that in the state planning system women’s social citizenship rights have been considered though very slightly. And from the very first program to the sixth one, frequency of goals and policies are of an evolutionary  process. However , structural deficiencies  in terms of sustainable development and integrated planning are evident in all aspects of women’s social citizenship rights; furthermore, economic and welfare priorities have been considered more than social priority (education, health and participation).


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