Enforced Disappearances of Persons is one of the very serious crimes, and in some cases, it is international crimes which may be done by governments against their opponents. This crime which may be done both in wartime and in peacetime, puts civilians increasingly targets of violence, and affects their families by creating an unknowing and uncertainty state of the existence of the victim. Accordingly, in the present paper, while assuming the notion of forced disappearance, the hypothesis of the paper seeks to prove that, although a small percentage of the direct victims of this crime are women and children, the women and children incurred greatest damage and injuries from committing the crimes. Indeed, after examining the procedures of judicial and quasi-judicial international institutions, it is proven that the commission of the forced disappearance of individuals significantly deprives victims from many human rights such as the right to life, the right of individuals to identify the legal personality, the right to prevent torture and inhuman treatment, and the right to know the truth.
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English resources
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ahmadi Nejad, M. , marandi, E. and aminalroaya, Y. (2019). Legal status of victims of enforced disappearance
Special attention to women and children. Women Studies, 10(29), 1-21. doi: 10.30465/ws.2019.4466
ahmadi Nejad, M. , , marandi, E. , and aminalroaya, Y. . "Legal status of victims of enforced disappearance
Special attention to women and children", Women Studies, 10, 29, 2019, 1-21. doi: 10.30465/ws.2019.4466
ahmadi Nejad, M., marandi, E., aminalroaya, Y. (2019). 'Legal status of victims of enforced disappearance
Special attention to women and children', Women Studies, 10(29), pp. 1-21. doi: 10.30465/ws.2019.4466
M. ahmadi Nejad , E. marandi and Y. aminalroaya, "Legal status of victims of enforced disappearance
Special attention to women and children," Women Studies, 10 29 (2019): 1-21, doi: 10.30465/ws.2019.4466
ahmadi Nejad, M., marandi, E., aminalroaya, Y. Legal status of victims of enforced disappearance
Special attention to women and children. Women Studies, 2019; 10(29): 1-21. doi: 10.30465/ws.2019.4466