Contemporary Challenges and the Necessity of Research on Chastity and Hijab in the Mirror of Shari‘a Principles and Objectives

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Assistant Professor at Tarbiat Modares University


In the contemporary world in spite of the fast course of development in human life and the variety of instruments with numerous crisis in getting to goals, human objectives, the security and freedom rights and finally preserve the nation’s identity has occupied the minds of scholars. Growth of pornography priority of pleasure, power and profit over the spiritual rights, morals and the expansion of violence leads to this question that what are the designers of cold war after in deleting the geographical borders with expansion of communications, destruction of minds and making them upside down? On the other hand what should the awakened Islamic nations do toward the maintenance of their national identity and religious values so that they could be able to defend their spiritual rights and the mental health of their generation for a rational future?
In this relation Hijab and chastity are among the values of Muslim women all over the world which its rational and logical necessity and obviousness have been researched in and out and of different views. Though because of hijab’s profound effect on the intensification of values and negation of women’s instrumental identity, individual and social security and … it is being under continues attack.
Then it is essential to analyze it from different dimensions in Islamic societies and we should initiate structural change to be responsive not from a passive stand but an active one to call for a logical reaction of people all around the world.
This paper is to discover rational and logical supports for the decree of Hijab in the mirror of Islamic principles and objectives and the views of non-Islamic scholars expressing worrisome for the existing problems and to provide Islamic judicious solutions to this dead-end with an approach toward the Shari‘a.


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