Child Marriage According to the Quran

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Center for Women Studies


Child marriage is approved in the Civil Code of Iran based on two verses in the Quran, some hadiths and the Prophetic tradition in Imami jurisprudence. In the present study, which is a library research, the issue of child marriage is discussed from the perspective of women’s studies, which is committed to improving women’s status. By focusing mainly on the teachings of the Quran and using a historical-analytical approach to the interpretation of the Quranic verses, it is argued that Article 1041 of the Civil Code has no Quranic basis and reason for child marriage. Firstly, child marriage is not prescribed, nor even mentioned, in the Quran. Secondly, the general Quranic teachings and rituals related to marriage and the relationship of husbands with their wives are not compatible with it. Therefore, Article 1041 of the Civil Code of Iran is not consistent with the Quran. It is not a law established by Islam and should be understood within the larger social and cultural context of the time. Hence, considering its negative effects and consequences for children and society, it seems reasonable and necessary to review this legal article and amend it



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