Explain the relationship between understanding gender stereotypes And understanding spatial quality in female students(Case study: secondary schools in Baneh city)

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1 ,Architecture Department,,Azad university,Tabriz,Iran.

2 Department of Architecture, college of Arts and Architecture, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran.

3 Department of Architecture, Tabriz Islamic Art University , Faculty of Architecture, Tabriz, Iran


Gender stereotypes in the context of socio-cultural approach are considered as one of the determining mental patterns in individual identity, especially in adolescent girls. The main issue in this study is to ignore the psychological aspect of sexulity (here gender stereotypes) in the process of designing educational spaces. Given the close relationship between gender stereotypes and women's status, gender-based scientific studies and their educational status play a very important role in better understanding their status. Based on the method of documentary and survey research (descriptive-applied), this study analyzes the relationship between adolescent girls' understanding of common gender stereotypes in society and compares them with their understanding of the educational environment. In this regard, questionnaires inspired by the combined model of Macionus (2001) and Taylor (2003) as well as the Drim educational climate questionnaire have been prepared and the statistical population of female students in Baneh secondary schools has been considered. The results were analyzed in SPSS software, which indicates the existence of gender stereotypes and understanding gender inequality in female students, as well as a significant relationship between understanding gender stereotypes in students and the perception of school environmental quality.


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