A Review Of Educational Concepts In The “Sayyedat Al-Ghamar” (Moon Women) Novel By Jokha Harithi

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1 M.A Student (Arabic language and literature) at Persian gulf university

2 Associate Professor (Arabic language and literature) at Persian gulf university (Corresponding Author),

3 Assistant professor of Arabic language and literature, Bushehr, IRAN

4 Associate Professor ,Arabic language and literature, at Persian gulf university


Feminism is a French word means to advocate for women’s rights. It was followed by feminine criticism on literary works that feminism is a modern word, which although it has a long story. Johah Harithi, a well-known Omani writer in her novel “moon women” writes about three sisters who live in the village of Awafi in the central theme. A realistic approach to women’s experiences and their problems in a small and newly modernized society of Awafi village in Oman.
Authors in this research try to analyze Harithi’s view of women and describe their situation by descriptive-analytical method according to the feminist concepts used in the novel. In this study, we deal with Important issues like; suppression of love, marriage, childbirth, motherhood, aggression, divorce, patriarchy, different behavior among girls and boys from birth. In addition, by analyzing the characters of women in this novel we find that we can divide them into three categories based on their perspective: traditional, a little modern, modern.


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