Criticizing the Situation of Women in Qazali Thoughts

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In the works of some Muslim scholars as Qazali, FakhrRazi and KhajeNasirTusi, there are instructions and teachings about styles of behaviors and dealing with women. These instructions are generally discussed in practical philosophy and home thoughts section or along with ethic and political books in which women in roles as mother, wife and daughter are studied, or their nature and entity is considered. In the present paper, we will study the situation of women in Qazali thoughts. He in his three great works in ethics – i.e. Ihya-ye olum al-din, Kimiya-ye sa’adat and Nasih al-moluk – has studied women behaviors and psychology and has presented beliefs about their instructions, educations and rights. We will analyze and criticize his beliefs in these three works. At the same time, considering ethic situation of women in these works, we will try to show the contrasts in the contents and beliefs of the books.


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