Mentality hybridization of women in the lived experience of family life

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1 ph.d student of Department of sociology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University,Tehran,Iran

2 Assistant professor of sociology at Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies, tehran, iran

3 Professor of Sociology at Islamic Azad University, , Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University,Tehran,Iran



One of the important features of Iranian society is the mentality hybridization.Since the family is one of the most important social institutions affected by this multiplicity, the purpose of this essay is the sociological study of mentality hybridization in lived experience of family life of women.Considering the transformation process of the subject,Kristeva's theoretical approach was chosen as the theoretical paradigm.Participants included 15 married women who were selected purposefully.our approach in this article is the phenomenological approach and the method used based on this approach to the problem, is Paul Gee and Ruth Wodak discourse analysis data description and segmentation phase, the statements of the interviewees were conceptualized in Paul Gee's linguistic actions,which were covered under the two functions of "family life"including economics and sex and in the interpretation phase, the deconstructions stage were reconstructed.We wanted to show the moments of confrontation and gap between the modern individual rational-oriented discourses and the traditional rational-oriented discourses that are intertwined in the woman mind in the family.The results showed that Iranian woman have dual encounters with the same issues in various functions of family life and the rational-logical and emotional-irrational mental worlds,though challenging and defying each other,coexist and form mentality hybridization.


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