Analyzing the Entrepreneurship of Women Faculty Members in Iran: Barriers, Drivers, and Strategies

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1 Information and Society Research Department, Iranian Research Institute for Information Science and Technology (IRANDOC), Tehran, Iran

2 Information Technology Research Department, Iranian Research Institute for Information Science and Technology (IRANDOC), Tehran, Iran



This research was conducted to analyze the views and entrepreneurial strategies of female faculty members in Iranian institutions using the SWOT analysis method. First, through an extensive review of theoretical perspectives and related studies, the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of entrepreneurship of female faculty members have been identified. Second, these factors have been validated by surveying female faculty members in Iranian institutions through a questionnaire. Then, based on the SWOT analysis in a focus group, the entrepreneurial strategies of female faculty members have been compiled and classified into four categories: aggressive(SO), conservative (WO), competitive (ST), and defensive(WT) strategies. The findings showed that the most important strength of female faculty members in entrepreneurship are high educational qualifications, the most important weakness of limited access to capital and the market, the most important opportunity, the increase in the number of educated women, and the most important threat of gender stereotypes.The internal-external analysis matrix in this research suggests that defensive strategies (WT) should be prioritized to promote the entrepreneurship of female faculty members in Iran. These strategies emphasize the development of entrepreneurial skills, policymaking reforms, financial incentives and credits, building a supportive community to address work-life conflicts, and developing women's political participation.
